
000 e-commerce transactions

What does it cost to become PCI Compliant? Part 1

This a part 1 of a two part series about cost of PCI Compliance. This month we will be able to check outa pair examples of businesses who've reached PCI Compliance. Next month we will be able to check outtake a look at other costs, including software and toughware upgrades.

the price of changing into PCI Compliant is dependent upon numerous factors including your small business type, selection of transactions processed annually, existing IT infrastructure, and curhirecredit/debit card processing and storage practices. Gartner estimates that in 2007 Tiffany Charms, the nation's largest merchants, classified as Level 1 (processing in far more than 6 million transactions of a single card type per year) Cheap Tiffany Necklace, will spfinish$125,000 assessing the scope of required PCI-related work and another $568,000 to satisfy the necessities. This a part 1 of a two part series about PCI Compliance.

for instance, Robin Sidel and Pui-Wing Tam of the WSJ recently reported that Guitar Center Tiffany Earrings, a countrywide retailer of two10 stores, recently spent almost$500,000 on PCI Compliance. Gartner also concluded that Level 2 merchants, those processing between 1 and six million annual transactions, will spfinish$105,000 to figure out scope and another $267,000 for compliance. Level 3 merchants Tiffany Cufflinks, processing between 20,000 and 1,000,000 e-commerce transactions, are expected to spfinish$44,000 assessing and $81,000 for compliance. the costsrelated to Level 4 merchants Tiffany Accessories, those doing not up to two0,000 ecommerce transactions or as much as 1,000,000 non-ecommerce transactions, varies widely.

Only Level 1 merchants are required to have an on-site audit. Levels 2, 3 and 4want to fill out the Self Assessment Questionnaire and join 1 / 4ly scan to test vulnerabilities on all outward-facing IP addresses. a coarse estimate for the scans is $150 to $2,500 per IP adclotheper year. Merchants who accept multiple currencies couldincur additional costs from global payment solutions.


